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Discover the Difference Nature Makes

Herbals have been used for health and medical purposes for several thousands of years, majority of people still using herbal medicine to meet their health needs. Medicinal plants are important sources for pharmaceutical manufacturing.


Medicinal plants and herbal medicines having highest market in china since decade, medicinal plants can be used as food to meet daily requirements of body.

Certain European and Oriental countries have been exploring the use of herbs and has been in practice since the centuries. The basic herbs have no side effects, remedies are in sync with nature which is the biggest plus point where no other medicine can claim these facts.


In India, use of herbal medicine is perhaps more prevalent than western countries.


Treepex Herbal wants to ensure that working conditions are fair and that consideration is shown to the environment throughout the entirety of the production chain.


We act against discrimination and child labour.

In many of the countries which produce herbal medicines, there are risks regarding both working environments and working conditions.

Corruption and child labour are not uncommon in many of the cultivating countries.

This places demands on importers to be especially careful and to take responsibility. 

Never Tested 
on Animals

Treepex Herbal is proud to bear logos and seals that prove how much we care about the environment, animals, and people’s health when formulating our products, and at the very core of our company. We NEVER test on animals during any stage of production development.


Treepex Herbal’s mission has always been to search for ways to preserve the environment while creating clinically validated skincare and  vibrant, plant-pigment makeup for all to enjoy. 


The cleaner the oceans, the cleaner the fish who live in them, and the cleaner the seafood that we eat. Supporting organic farming directly and indirectly keeps animals’ bodies healthier and in turn keeps our bodies healthier

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